Web Analytics Software for


Your company’s Intranet contains a bunch of websites and web-based applications. Some of these contain sensitive data. All of these carry a cost.

Do you know how employees use these sites, or if they’re even used?

If not, Angelfish helps you justify the existence of any website on your network.

Angelfish Software is a self-hosted web analytics tool that provides detailed reports for any of your websites or web apps: internal or external.

Angelfish monitors access to sensitive files, keeps your data behind your firewall, and provides many other benefits:

Data Protection

Angelfish is on-premises web analytics software – you install and manage it in your own environment, and data is kept within the confines of your network. Many of the legal and data privacy issues associated with SaaS analytics solutions don’t apply to Angelfish!

No Tagging Required

Angelfish *can* use JavaScript tagging, but it doesn’t *have* to. With Intranet sites, Angelfish can work with the existing data in your access logs.

Process Historical Data

If you have web access logs for one of your websites from 2 years ago, you can process them in Angelfish. This works in the trial version too – try it!

Track Document Access

Angelfish shows you a list of every opened document (PDF, Excel, Word, etc.) and page on your website. And if the username is available, Angelfish shows you who accessed each document or page.

Mobile Device Reporting

Are your employees using mobile devices to access your websites? Angelfish categorizes all visits as Mobile/Tablet or Desktop, with drilldown to browsers, platforms, usernames, and all other segments.

Traffic Spike Analysis

Angelfish lets you select a time frame as short as a single second. If you want to see who opened the sales projection spreadsheet yesterday morning at 11:04:23 AM, Angelfish will show you all site activity that occurred during that particular second.

Broken Links

Web access logs contain a bunch of great information, like Broken Links. Angelfish tells you if the link is external or on your site, the referring page, the error page, and more.

Track Any Website

Angelfish can track more than your Intranet sites! Angelfish creates detailed usage reports for anything that runs on a web server and creates an access log, like web applications, public websites, SharePoint, financial and/or HR portals, CDNs, CRMs, and more. See more examples on our Solutions Page.

Full Visitor History

Angelfish shows full details for each visitor, like usernames, IP addresses, number of logins, clickpaths, goal conversions, marketing details, custom variables, and more.

Robust API

The API is a core component of Angelfish and provides full access to the underlying data structure. With the API, you can automatically export data from Angelfish into reporting dashboards and external applications.

Technical Details

Please visit our Help Center for articles and videos that explain how Angelfish works. We recommend reading the “Administrator Essentials” article:

Additional Features

Self-Hosted Web Analytics

Angelfish is self-hosted / on-premises web analytics software, installed and managed by your team. Control your costs and keep your data within your network.

See Users Who Block Tracking

JavaScript-based tracking can be blocked,
and frequently is. Angelfish builds its reports with data from web server access logs.
Visitors can’t hide from the access log.

Track Websites & Applications

Use Angelfish to track the usage of internal & external websites, web-based applications (SaaS too), or anything that runs on a web server and creates an access log.

Monitor Sensitive Data

See a list of every Document & Page accessed on your website: pdf, xlsx, docx, etc. If usernames are available, Angelfish shows the people who access each Document & Page.

Comprehensive API

Angelfish’s RESTful API provides full access to the underlying data structures. Automatically export data into any external application or dashboard.

Low Maintenance

Software doesn’t need to be hard to install and maintain. Angelfish uses an embedded database and web server, which lets you focus on using the application.

Understand Usage Costs

All of your websites and web-based apps have a cost. Angelfish helps you understand the value of that cost, based on usage.
Learn More: Usage Costs Overview

Internal & External Marketing

See the impact of your External (inbound) & Internal (in-site) marketing initiatives. A|B test your site’s navigational elements. Track Impressions and CTR.

Email Open Tracking

When you send out internal newsletters, see how many times the email is opened and compare it to the number of clicks the email receives.

You can see the reports Angelfish makes for your Intranet websites & applications with an Angelfish trial.

To learn more about Angelfish, please choose an option below:
